The Countdown

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Snow is here!


IMG00448-20120118-1527Well the year has definitely started off well or least the snow has fallen.  Started off with Christmas being almost green to less than 2 weeks later buried in plenty of snow.  Shovelling as I am sure many of us have had to do over the last couple of weeks has been hard, I only hope that it slows down and lets my back take a break!  Lazarus though has found the time to play soccer even though he hates to have to jump into those deep piles of snow! 

dragpmAnd,I do have to say that with all these snow filled days  I have also been a busy girl designing and crating a few new colours of fabric which I will ensure to bring to the retreat. 

Been busy putting things together for the Spring retreat and will be sending out to everyone a little something about the coming events.  Amanda and I will be spending this weekend together going over some of the details for the retreat, and will mail out a next week.  Most information will be coming by e-mail but I do want to send some by standard mail as the internet does not always make it easy to illustrate some things.

I hope everyone/s New Year’s was great and I wanted to thank everyone for commenting in regards to the fall retreat.  I had planned on putting up a survey to see what everyone felt but since everyone was kind enough to send me responses by e-mail, I find it not necessary.  I will say that the date for the fall retreat will move to the 26th to the 29th allowing us all to say money and enjoy the time stitching.

Though spring is a few months off and when I look outside at all that snow it seems like it is, but I know that is not so!  So I am off this weekend to get to work so that we can have a great Spring 2012 retreat, so I will keep everyone posted on what is coming!


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