Presently I am in the process of hopefully setting up the website so that you can do a PDF registration form on line since it looks like this strike is going to be going on for a while. Mail here is only coming in every couple of days and when I went to send out some letters was advised that not to get worried if they took quite a while to get to their destination. So instead of worrying about mailing, once I have it up on the web I will send out a mass e-mail to everyone advising that the form is up to fill out.
Working right now with the Inn and setting up the fall retreat and hope to spice it up a little more from the Spring 2011 retreat and do some things again you would not be expecting. Want to thank everyone for their comments and feedback forms that you filled out on the final day. I have taken the time to look closely at everyone’s thoughts and concerns, and am considering implementing some of your ideas.
Will be posting on the blog and the website next week a little of what we will be doing this fall. Hoping to see many of you again as Erica, Amanda and myself will be there with bells on. Okay, maybe not literally but we will be there ready to have a great time!
Glad to hear no mail strike, rain, snow or sleet will keep us from registering for the Fall Retreat!